Welcome to my personal homepage!
January 2025: After 16 unforgettable years at Microsoft, I am excited to start a new position as Chancellor’s Professor and Bren Chair at the University of California, Irvine.
September 2024: The slides for my keynote at MODELS 2024 are online: The Fellowship of Trust in AI
July 2024: The slides for my keynote at FSE 2024 are online: The Incredible Machine 3: Developer Productivity and the Impact of AI
For my publications, please visit my DBLP entry or Google Scholar profile. For pre-prints, please visit ArXiv.org page. If you need copies of any of my papers, please send me an email! I am very happy to send you copies of my papers!
For a selected list of presentations, please visit my Speaker Deck profile (talks since 2014) or my SlideShare profile (talks until 2013).
I have co-edited several books, most recently Rethinking Productivity in Software Engineering, a free open access e-book (get the book on Amazon.com).