Welcome to my personal homepage!


January 2025: After 16 unforgettable years at Microsoft, I am excited to start a new position as Chancellor’s Professor and Bren Chair at the University of California, Irvine.

September 2024: The slides for my keynote at MODELS 2024 are online: The Fellowship of Trust in AI

July 2024: The slides for my keynote at FSE 2024 are online: The Incredible Machine 3: Developer Productivity and the Impact of AI


For my publications, please visit my DBLP entry or Google Scholar profile. For pre-prints, please visit ArXiv.org page. If you need copies of any of my papers, please send me an email! I am very happy to send you copies of my papers!


For a selected list of presentations, please visit my Speaker Deck profile (talks since 2014) or my SlideShare profile (talks until 2013).


I have co-edited several books, most recently Rethinking Productivity in Software Engineering, a free open access e-book (get the book on Amazon.com).

Rethinking Productivity in Software Engineering Perspectives on Data Science for Software Engineering The Art and Science of Analyzing Software Data Recommendation Systems in Software Engineering